
“You can’t control what you experience in your lifetime, but you can control what you make of it”

This is Miriam’s motto – a powerful message she likes to pass on to her clients.


“You can’t control what you experience in your lifetime, but you can control what you make of it”

This is Miriam’s motto – a powerful message she likes to pass on to her clients.

I believe this motto aligns perfectly with the realisation that you always have a choice. If unpleasant events happen in your life that are not of your choosing, remember that you still have control over how you handle them.

How is your
approach different?

Not everyone has the ability to ‘rethink’. Is positive thinking something you can learn? Miriam: “Absolutely. I always compare it to trying to reach a healthy weight: some people find it easier to maintain their weight than others, but we all have the ability to retrain our muscles.

In the same way, some people find it more  difficult than others to think positively. But everyone has the ability to influence the process.”

Get in touch

An emphasis
on possibilities

Experience shows that many people only ask for help when they get into deep water (or are already beginning to sink).

“During coaching, we can also focus preventatively on wellbeing, following the old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’.”

Miriam likes to employ the science of positive psychology in her coaching. “This means you emphasise what is possible, rather than what is wrong or lacking. In this way, you learn to put your strengths to use in the best way possible. It is far more motivational to determine what you want to achieve, instead of what you would like to be rid of!”